google ads for dental clinics

A Guide to Google Ads for Dental Clinics

Is your dental clinic operating in a saturated market? Do you have to compete for new patients? Are you a new practice that needs to find more local patients? 

If you aren’t already using Google Ads, you should be. With Google Ads, you can make custom, tailored ads that target people searching for dentists in your area. And the more successful your ads are, the higher your site will rank over the other dental practices nearby.

If you do use Google Ads, but they don’t seem to be working, you may need to adapt your strategies. Here’s how to monitor and optimize Google Ads for dental clinics. 

Google Ads for Dental Clinics

If you’re not familiar with Google Ads, it’s basically a pay-per-click advertising method. (This means you pay a small fee every time someone clicks on your ad.) Here are a few reasons why you should start creating your first Google Ads campaign: 

  • The more your dental clinic uses Google Ads, the more visibility it gets online. 
  • You can reach your ideal, local audience and create ads specifically for potential patients in your area. 
  • You can set a maximum budget for your ads, so there’s no financial risk.
  • When you launch your Google Ads campaign, it begins immediately. Potential clients can see your ads and start clicking right away. Google Ads will also start collecting analytic data in real-time.

Monitoring Your Google Ads Performance KPIs

When it comes to running Google Ads for your dental clinic, it’s important to know what works and what doesn’t. Analyzing several key performance indicators (KPIs) will help you make your ads more successful.

Your KPIs will tell you:

  • Which ads get clicked on more often than others
  • Which ads get the most conversions
  • Which ads have the best conversion rates
  • And bring conversions at the lowest cost to you

Here are three important KPIs to monitor:

1: Keyword Bids

This report will show which keywords are performing better than others in your Google Ads campaign. You can then adjust the budget for different keywords. For example, if you have one keyword that performs exceptionally well, you can increase the budget for those ads while also updating your other ads to include the high-performing keyword.

2: Click-Through Rate

The click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of people who click on your ad, divided by the number of impressions (people who saw your ad) it made. A high CTR shows that your ads are catching the attention of your target market. It also shows you how your ads are working so you can optimize them for future campaigns. 

Another reason CTR is important is that a higher click-through rate will increase your quality score, which will, in turn, lower the cost-per-click you pay for your Google Ads. This metric will let you know if your ad is successful so you can adjust the budget accordingly. 

3: Landing Page Conversions

This KPI will help you know if your Google Ads are actually sending people to your website. If you have a high conversion rate, your ad is working to bring in dental patients, and as a result, you are getting more value out of the budget you gave for your ad. 

Five Google Ads Optimization Strategies for Dental Practices

When you optimize your Google Ads effectively, they will rank on the first page of search results, where it’s easier for potential clients to see them. If you notice that your ads are not performing as well as you had hoped, try these optimization strategies. 

1: Match Your Ads and Keywords

Check to make sure your ad copy is related to the keywords you chose for the campaign, especially when it comes to the headline. Potential patients use specific search terms, and if your headline does not look relevant, they’ll scroll on by. 

For example, if your ad discusses tooth extractions, you want to use a keyword related to that or that exact term. And you want your headline to discuss tooth extraction as well. Each piece should blend together to form a cohesive whole. 

2: Create Different Versions of the Same Ad

Trying to fit everything you want to say into a short ad can be difficult. That’s why Google suggests creating an ad group with three to five versions of the same ad. That way, you can try different strategies with each variant, like using different headlines or keywords, changing your call-to-action, or adding prices or promotions. Google will automatically promote the ads that are performing best out of the group. 

3: Use a Strong Call-to-Action

The closer your call-to-action phrase is to your target keywords, the more conversions you can make. For example, if someone in your area is searching for teeth whitening treatments, and your ad says, “Click here to start your teeth whitening appointment” they will be more likely to click! 

4: Highlight What Sets You Apart

If you’re offering any promotions or discounts, include them in your ads. Or, if you have new, state-of-the-art dental equipment that other clinics in your area don’t, include that fact in your ads. Strategies like these will set you apart from your competitors.

5: Take Advantage of Ad Assets

Google Ads Extensions (also known as assets) are a great tool for improving your click-through rate. Headlines, descriptions, links, locations—the more information you include, the better. Extensions allow Google Ads to show more information about your dental practice, including your address, phone number, ratings, and reviews. 

Does Your Dental Practice Need Help with Google Ads? 

At New Wine Digital, we know that most dental practices don’t have time to learn how to use Google Ads. So why not leave the work to us? If you need help building, monitoring, and optimizing Google Ads campaigns for your dental clinic, our marketing team is here to help. Start reaching more local customers today—contact us to learn more about our Google Ads services for dentists. 

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (8/19/2024) Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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