Blogging Help from WordPress

I laugh at my own jokes a lot – who doesn’t. Sometimes I’ll be sitting in my office and will remember a joke I told a friend or something humorous from a while back and will smile and laugh a little. Well today I’m thinking of the laughs I got when I compared blogging to joining a gym.

This illustration is from back in 2006/2007 when there was a lot of interest in blogging and everyone wanted to get in on it. Just like our desire to get in shape and become more physically fit we all see the value of blogging. Many of the people I talked to all had a desire to express themselves through a blog. We get everything set up and get going. Then as the days and weeks go by we start losing interest, other things get in the way, or we simply tire ourselves. Then weeks will go by before we write and days turn to weeks, weeks in to months. Then we cancel the gym membership (if we can) or let the blog just wither away in cyberspace.

Long story short if we’re going to realize the dreams we had for our blogs we need to have a plan. We need a strategy. We need a commitment and a desire to see it through. My own goals for this blog has varied and evolved over the years. I try to post as something interesting and different. Things you can’t normally get in other places. This is a challenge of course.

A few weeks ago I heard about the WordPress challenge to blog every day. I subscribed to that blog and receive topic ideas daily. The problem is I haven’t been able to keep up. Not that I resolved to blog everyday this year, but I wanted  to at least blog more frequently. Even if I don’t end up blogging more I wanted to pass this resource on to you in case it inspires you to blog more.

Happy blogging in 2011.

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