blonde woman petting tabby cat

4 SEO Challenges Veterinarians Should Watch for in 2024

Are you tired of having to find the time to research search engine optimization trends? Are you overwhelmed by the pages of Google results about good SEO practices? Do you want your website to rank higher in search results for veterinarians in your area? 

We understand. 

Business owners are busy enough without the pressure of having to keep track of Google’s ever-evolving algorithm. That’s why we compiled a list of SEO challenges for veterinarians to look out for in 2024. And while there are any number of things you can do to improve your SEO, here are the top four things you should NEVER do.

SEO in 2024: What Not to Do

1: Don’t use the same tactics over and over again.

With SEO, it’s easy to fall into the trap of complacency. Sometimes strategies need to be changed around to keep the algorithm maximizing your SEO results. Even if a tactic you’ve been using for the last several months is working well, the SEO landscape changes quickly. Basing your SEO strategies on solid data and analytics and updating them accordingly is always the best practice. 

2: Don’t take shortcuts just for the sake of ease. 

It can be difficult to create fresh, new content—even for content creators. But recycling the same content too many times, or posting AI-generated content just to have something new on your site is a poor practice. Instead, go for new content that holds a lot of recent information and updates, you’re connecting better with your audience. For instance, you could make a post celebrating National Pet Day or discuss trending topics, like raw food diets for pets.

3: Don’t use SEO tactics that could land you in trouble with Google.

Keyword stuffing is a very common mistake that’s based on a very outdated SEO tactic. Keywords are important, yes, but using the same phrase too many times can land you in trouble with Google. Keyword stuffing is using the same keywords in your content so frequently that it flags Google as suspicious activity, and it could take months for your website to recover. 

4: Don’t copy your competitors when it comes to content.  

Just because certain types of content work for one veterinarian doesn’t mean they will work the same for you. Keeping your content original helps the algorithm sort through all the data and rank your website in its rightful place. For example, writing about topics you care about—like yearly vaccinations—will make you seem more authentic online. And writing about your specialties—like hydrotherapy—will help you gain recognition as an expert in your area.

Update Your SEO Strategies with Help from an Expert

We know all too well that staying on top of the latest SEO trends can feel overwhelming, especially for small business owners like veterinarians. We know you’re busy saving the lives of the pets your clients love so much. New Wine Digital can help you stay on top of the latest digital marketing trends and strategies and manage your SEO for you. Give us a call today to learn how we drive more traffic to your website so you can reach more pet owners in your area. 


Photo by Parker Coffman on Unsplash used with permission under the Creative Commons license for commercial use 5/29/2024. 

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