Some Twitter Tips for Happy Tweeting

When work gets going it really gets going and my week just breezes by for the most part. I’m not unique by any means, and am pretty sure a great number of you can relate. A lot of things get squeezed out when life gets this busy. Over the past few months its been my social media engagements that has fallen by the way side.  That includes this blog. It also includes Twitter, which I enjoy quite a bit.

Half the time, all I do is watch the Twitter stream and feel pretty tongue tied since my mind is so occupied. I’m finding myself not sure what what I should say and what I should share. After feeling this way for a while I started making a list of things I could Tweet about. Before I knew it I had pretty decent list of things I could talk about. I hope to start following this list in order to keep myself more disciplined with my social interactions and get to know some more folks on Twitter.

So, here is my twenty Twitter tips for happy tweeting, to help you get over this “engagement hump”:

  1. Comment on local events
  2. Comment on local news stories (stay away from highly charged political stories)
  3. Comment on local sports teams and the Green Bay Packers
  4. Comment on fund raisers and good causes
  5. Comment on industry related news
  6. Comment on funny ads
  7. Comment on how good life is
  8. Comment on relevant historical markers (for example today (March4th) is National Grammar Day)
  9. Respond to interesting Tweets from followers
  10. Re-tweet interesting Tweets from followers
  11. Recommend some of your followers to others on Fridays
  12. Discuss your likes/dislikes on any given topic – (I loved “The Social Network”)
  13. Comment on the weather
  14. Talk about special events and promotions (10% off at Best Buy was awesome etc.)
  15. Share a link to an inspiring story, funny video, great picture etc.
  16. Make a bold statement every once in a while
  17. Attend some local Tweet-ups to meet the community – and Tweet from the event.
  18. Tweet about personal achievements, goals, ideas etc.
  19. Post pictures of fun stuff seen here and there.
  20. Have fun connecting with new people, and remember, you can’t plan a conversation, so you’ll find plenty to talk about once you connect with others.

I hope to up the ante in the next few weeks. Keep me accountable people, keep me accountable.

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