The Trajectory of Logo Design in the Internet Age

Infographic Courtesy of WIRED.COM

Wondering whether you should jump into a logo redesign? Starting a new business and thinking over what the face of your business should look like? If there’s one type of company you may want to emulate, it’s the big tech companies like Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, Uber and others who  you know have their fingers on the pulse of what works . In the mobile age, design has geared more and more towards simplicity and legibility on smaller screens and devices.

The great thing about modern logo design is, if you decide you want to change things up in a year or even a couple months, that strategy is becoming more and more common. As you can see in the infographic above, logos, lettermarks and icons rarely remain exactly the same and seem to change as often as the capabilities of new devices do. Companies like Netflix have kept their universally recognizable arched text logo, but have simply added a new, sleek, red “N” against a black background as a variation for smaller resolution devices.

You may see a trend towards simplicity and flat design, but flat logo design clearly isn’t the only route to take anymore with Netflix’s very prominent drop shadows behind it’s ribbon like layers. While logos are still staying clear of skeuomorphism or the outdated “bubble effect”, subtle use of the “z-axis” is quite in vogue like in Netflix’s new logo and Google’s  layered sheets of paper look. However, simplicity is still a common thread for beautiful logos and recognizable icons.

Ready to delve into the world of design and craft a new, custom logo design in Arizona? Contact New Wine Web Design today and allow our talented designers to guide you through the process from first concept all the way to finalized logo, original responsive website and stunning custom print collateral.

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