Coolest New Website Design Trends

New Wine Web Design’s new long-overdue website revamp is well underway. Due to that fact, we thought it might be a good time to mention on some of the cool new trends in web design that you might just see shortly on this very website! The web design world is always changing so it never hurts to do a bit more research and survey the aesthetic landscape around the web. Back in January we released a couple blogs about current trends (you can read those here & here) but let’s dive in and see if anything’s changed in the past 4 months!


The Mega Sized Video

This trend has been around for a couple years now, but as more and more people browse the internet on faster devices and utilize faster internet speeds, new possibilities open up in the world of web design. Just a few years ago having a large video as your hero image may have slowed down your site significantly and hurt your user experience and SEO. For the most part, that is no longer the case. These super-sized videos that are taking the place of the large image or slider above the fold do wonders for instantly engaging and captivating your audience. We humans are visual creatures and the movement and aesthetic of a nicely integrated video in the background or forefront of your homepage will increase interest and encourage your audience to further interact with your website. Videos can give an immediate snapshot of your business faster and more efficiently than a block of text that may or may not ever be read. It’s still a good idea to avoid any audio that autoplays. Here is a great example.

The End of the Endless Scroll

The “endless scroll”, as popularized by sites like Pinterest, had it’s heyday in 2014 – 2015 but has met some resistance. Due to slow loading times, confusion and overall clumsiness this fad remains on some social media and blogging sites but for businesses has begun to fade away. At least for now.


Custom Illustrations

This is an exciting one for all of us artists. Our skills may be in high demand once again! With the continued rise of minimalism and flat design which still prevails to this day, some are looking to make their designs stand out. Utilizing a lot of color, sketchy, hand-drawn styles are staging a comeback for a raw, custom feel. Some are foregoing the hero image or mega video for a completely custom illustration that acts as a theme for the whole website. Here is a really cool example. Here is another that combines video and illustration for an animated look.

Contact New Wine Web Design today if you are looking for a partner to help develop your modern small business web design in Arizona. Check back in next week for some more cool design trends!

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