Being Memorial Day in the USA, I thought I’d choose two that were particularly memorable for some of their insights on relevant topics within Social Media. In no particular order here they are:
Jay Deragon over at the Relationship Economy blog wrote a great summary of his thoughts based on the book “The Cluetrain Manifesto”. His post titled Social Media Transformation Cycles, discusses the value of social media relative to the cycle of social media transformation and how it is vetted through the marketplace. It’s a fascinating read and I certainly will make it a priority to read the books he references.
Steven Leung at IntegratedROI, shares three reasons on why companies should consider a blog as part of their Internet marketing strategy. The three reasons he mentions in his post “Using Your Blog to Broaden the Exposure for Your Business” are: larger search engine presence; fast and convenient way of publishing ad-hoc information and; equal footing with larger companies/larger budgets. All very legitimate for any company regardless of industry, size and scope.
Here are the other notable entries :
- Twitterads presents Get Targeted Traffic To Blog With Twitter | How to Use Twitter and Get Money | Make People Follow You On Twitter
- Jeremy Smith presents Best in Social Media – May 18, 2009
- Anna Farmery presents 3 Social Media Tools for Brand or Community Building
- Danny Brown presents Virtual Stalking – A Real World Problem for Social Media
Next week’s carnival will be hosted by Michelle DeRepentigny on June 1st . See you then.