Romance Must Be in the Air

I am not known to display romantic flair. I should though. I’m sure Aimee would appreciate it more if I did. However, I’m coming around. In fact to get into the spirit of Valentines this year I submitted my romantic music stack as part of the Share the Love competition sponsored by SearchMe. I’m not terribly excited about the prize ( a trip to Los Angeles, California to see Britney Spears LIVE and in concert), but what the heck. If I win, I may give it away to a friend or something.

In case you’re curious here are the six songs I consider to be the most romantic music (in the English language). I say that because I’ve got a list of Hindi songs from the 1970s and 1980s that top this list even more, but that is a discussion for a different day.

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If you are unable to view this video, you can watch on SearchMe as well. In case you’re wondering SearchMe is a pretty neat visual search engine. I’ve been using it from time to time and have found it to be useful.

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