It’s humorous, but only because its true. Ross Wolinsky has had a revelation and published the authoritative ten commandments to govern Facebook. Here is the list:
- Thou Shalt Not List Every Movie, TV Show, Band and Book You Have Ever Heard Of In Your Profile
- Thou Shalt Not “Poke” Indiscriminately
- Thou Shalt Not “Friend” People You Don’t Actually Know
- Thou Shalt Not Use A Wall As A Private Messaging Function
- Thou Shalt Not Join A Billion Groups
- Thou Shalt Not Use Stupid Apps
- Thou Shalt Not Give “Gifts”
- Thou Shalt Not Contact People From Your Distant Past While Intoxicated
- Thou Shalt Not Update Thy Status Message If Thine Status Hath Not Changed (Or If You Have Nothing Clever To Say)
- Thou Shalt Not Act Like You’re On MySpace
A full explanation complete with practical example is provided on his post. I recommend all Facebook users to review it, especially the new ones. Let me emphasize, ESPECIALLY, the new members!