The Future From 1969
Aside from the hardware, I don’t think the imagination is that far off:
Last Fall I posted about a home break-in following Twitter updates. Now a similar one from Facebook. This even though awareness is rising on the responsible use of status updates (via All Facebook): When the “Please Rob Me” site launched last month, I wouldn’t have guessed that under a month later, there would be an
I often get asked if I’d be willing to blog on behalf of a company. The conversation usually goes like this: Client: We need to get some more traffic so we got a blog. Me: Well great. Blogs can be very effective. Client: But the problem is we haven’t been updating it as much. Me:
, originally uploaded by . Be careful where you want to me mayor.
, originally uploaded by . Pretty funny!
Social Media Marketing Madness Cartoon by HubSpot Read More »
, originally uploaded by . Love this. It’s actually quite motivating! 🙂
Here is a word cloud of President Obama’s State of the Union last night: Here is a word cloud of the Republican response:
The New Year is here and it’s going to be a year to celebrate. Unlike other years, 2010 has a nice ring to it. There is symmetry to the digits and for a former math geek like me that’s a very cool thing. Also, 2010 is almost like a religious number of sorts, perhaps carrying
Looks like this face recognition video camera wasn’t tested on dark skinned people. Watch: What do you think? Are HP camera’s racist? H/T Ad Age