I know infographics are all the rage these days and everyone seems to love them. I struggle  to understand why people love them so much because quite frankly I don’t like them. They might look pretty,colorful and appealing, but in terms of conveying information they’re not very easy to use.  The only infographics I’ve liked are the animiated ones, but I’m not sure those are called infograhics.
Here are five reasons why I don’t like infograhics:
- Hard to follow. Once you start down the image it becomes hard to follow. Most don’t have a general flow to them. I often get frustrated and overwhelmed.
- Distracting. Will all the different fonts and colors it’s hard to know which informaiton is important and which is not. I don’t have the time to learn the color codes and visual cues.
- Complicated. You can say the same thing in nice bullets. Much easier to read and follow.
- Overly cute. For the most part infographics tend to be overly cute and artsy for a information sharing vehicle. The layout and presentation get in the way of conveying valuable information.
- Efficiency. I’ve never created an infographic, but just looking at them I begin to wonder how much time and effort went into creating it. Given the snippets of information it conveys is the time/effort worth the information conveyed.
At the end of the day I feel they solve a problem that doesn’t exist. However, they look pretty and the word is in vogue, so I’ll tolerate them.
Once you start down the image it becomes hard to follow. Most don’t have a general flow to them.
b. Will all the different fonts and colors it’s hard to know which informaiton is important and which is not.
c. You can say the same thing in nice bullets. Much easier to read and follow.
d. Too cute and artsy for a information sharing vehicle. The layout and presnetation get in the way of conveying valuable information.
Related articles
- How To Make An Infographic (& Market It) (searchenginepeople.com)
- The manly man’s infographic: The Golden Cup [infographic] (holykaw.alltop.com)
- Visual.ly brings infographic making to the masses (holykaw.alltop.com)