New Year’s Resolutions to Make your Life (and Internet Marketing) Better!

There are probably about 4 billion blog posts being written and posted today that are giving you tips about what resolutions you should have for 2016 as they relate to each writer’s business. Well, this writer is going to give you a break from that… sort of! We’ve put together a short list of resolutions that can relate to your own life in a broader sense, but also a small tidbit on how you might use those resolutions in your internet marketing strategies as well!

Try Something New

No time like the present to change up your life! Try something new: learn a new skill, read a book you never thought you would read, or go on a cross-country road trip on a whim! You name it! When it comes to internet marketing, try something new and expand your marketing horizons. If you don’t have a blog yet, try writing a blog post to test the waters. Maybe enlist the help of a designer to create a shareable infographic. No risk no reward!

Go Somewhere you’ve Never Been

This one’s easy. You don’t even have to go very far. It can be as simple as trying a new restaurant or even a type of food you never thought to try. Drive a different way to work you’ve never taken before. Or take it to the extreme and plan that trip to Europe or Asia you’ve always dreamed about. The best resolutions are the goals that you can actually meet by just making small incremental changes in your life. When it comes to marketing, reach out to other local business owners. Get to know them, not with the intention to simply get a link from them to your website, but to actually connect and get involved in your local community. It will work wonders on your personal and professional life!

Don’t Settle

Last but not least, don’t settle! If your life or your business isn’t going the right direction, change course. Take action now! Life’s too short to spend too much time going the wrong direction. Don’t like your website? Not getting the level of business you think you can handle? Design a new website, beef up your marketing plan and head in the right direction, whether that’s just a little bit to the right, or a complete 180!

Contact New Wine Web Design today if you’re ready to improve your internet marketing strategy in 2016.. of if you just want to discuss your resolutions and life goals – that’s fun too!

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