Sick of Web 2.0 and Related Buzz Words!

It’s official, according to an article at Marketing Charts, marketing execs are “sick” of hearing about Web 2.0 and related buzz words:

#4. Marketers “Sick” of Web 2.0: Twice as many marketers are “sick” of hearing about Web 2.0 and related buzzwords such as “blogs” and “social networking” compared with last year’s survey.

However, marketers still admit they don’t know enough about it. This was evident in results from a November 2008 MENG social media study showing 67% of executive marketers consider themselves beginners when it comes to using social media for marketing purposes.

Another “buzz” that’s losing steam:

#3. Green Marketing and Global Warming Lose Importance: The issue of global warming showed the largest decrease in importance (dropping 14 places in the rankings), while green marketing showed a statistically significant 5% drop.

The full report has the top five trends and the top marketing books and resources.

Creative Commons License photo credit: moonrat42

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