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I’m doing my part folks. However, the rest don’t seem to be pulling their weight. A new study shows Phoenix near the bottom when it comes to coffee consumption in US cities: The full study on caffine conumption over at Marketing Charts is pretty interesting. Be sure to check it out.
Phoenix One of the Least Coffee Consuming Cities Read More »
It’s official, according to an article at Marketing Charts, marketing execs are “sick” of hearing about Web 2.0 and related buzz words: #4. Marketers “Sick” of Web 2.0: Twice as many marketers are “sick” of hearing about Web 2.0 and related buzzwords such as “blogs” and “social networking” compared with last year’s survey. However, marketers
From people’s paychecks to stock returns, almost every meaningful economic metric was down in 2008. Fear not though, email spam doubled and what is even more annoying is that personalized spam quadrupled this past year. Just what the doctor ordered eh? Why the massive jump in personalized spam you say? Well personalization is the holy
From the NYTimes earlier this week: The study, which polled 2,210 people and was released this fall, found that the increase in blog readership from 2004 to 2008 was 300 percent; 47 percent of online consumers now read blogs. Half of blog readers said blogs were useful when they were considering what purchases to make,
From AdAge: NEW YORK ( — Those all-important “digital influencers” actually get their information from magazines, newspapers, TV and radio. That’s according to an MS&L survey whose results will be released tomorrow. The study, developed by MS&L’s influencer-marketing unit IM, reveals that some 84% of digital influencers go online to find out more about something
I really like the new design of the WordPress dashboard. I upgraded this afternoon and think it’s a thing of beauty all round. I’m writing this post just so I can use the new QuickPress feature. Did I say I love the new design?
I give up I’m putting out an ad. I just can’t seem to meet the right kind of people. I’m tired of waiting around for the perfect one to just magically appear. So, here it goes. I want to meet you the Phoenix Arizona based marketing enthusiast. In particular the new media enthusiast/trail blazer! You