I sat in on Marc and Nicole Spagnuolo’s talk at PodCampAZ 2008. While they probably don’t remember me I’ve never forgotten about them. In fact I’ve been following Marc’s work online ever since that time. Specifically, I’ve been observing his use of social media and the way in which he’s been able to propel his passion into a sustainable business using every tool in the new media arsenal.
To give you a bit of a background on Marc. He is a professional woodworker, podcaster, video producer, and contributing editor for FineWoodworking.com and Popular Woodworking Magazine. He is a the producer of the Wood Whisperer which he says “is a great way for me to combine three of my passions: woodworking, technology, and education.”
Here are three things that impresses me about The Wood Whisperer:
- He’s transformed a passion of his (wood working) into an online business. We all have passions and to see someone live theirs is pretty awesome in my book.
- He’s using social media to connect with his market and has developed a very strong online community around his brand. Being cutting edge isn’t enough. Doing something meaningful with cutting edge tools is where winners separate themselves from the pack.
- He’s a self-proclaimed introvert. Yet, he is a the center of a conversation and dialogue in a very niche market.
It was only natural that I follow up with Marc at some point. So as pat of my socializing interview series I sent “The Wood Whisperer” some questions. While I was expecting a written response he answered my questions via voice recording. After listening to him, I’m glad he did because it’s given me greater insight into how he thinks and who he is. Something that would have been lost had it been a written interview.
So, click play and lets listen to Marc:
Here are the questions I sent him so you can follow along as you listen to this interview:
1. What made you decide to turn your passion for wood working into a business?
2. Why did you choose social media (blogs, online video distribution) as the basis for developing your business? Were you in a different media before?
3. You’re very passionate about what you do. Is it possible to successfully use social media without being passionate about your business? What role does passion play in making your social media usage successful?
4. How do you answer those that say social media takes too much time and is a waste of time? What advice do you have for someone just getting started in their business?
5.. How do you measure the success of your social media strategy?
6. How has the use of social media directly affected your business?
7. How has the use of social media affected you personally?
8. What inspires you? What makes Marc the social media maven that he is?
Read the other “socializing interviews” to learn more about social media practitioners.
Socializing With Dru Bloomfield: She Beat the Down Real Estate Market Using Social Media
Socializing With Non-Profit Director and Refugee Advocate Kelli Donley
Socializing With Mortgage Pro & SEO Expert Justin McHood
Socializing With Online Marketing Expert Nipa Shah