Woes of a Literal Marketer: Link Bait
Woes of a Literal Marketer: Link Bait, originally uploaded by HubSpot.
Woes of a Literal Marketer: Link Bait, originally uploaded by HubSpot.
It had been a few months since I looked in my Google webmaster tools account. All the sites IÂ own and operate are in this account and it’s rare for me to not be checking this account, but for some reason I just haven’t done it the past few months. When I log-in I can
Woes of a Literal Marketer: SEO Juice, originally uploaded by HubSpot.
Content Nazi Cartoon by HubSpot, originally uploaded by HubSpot. NO RANK FOR YOU!
Content Nazi (No Rank For You) Cartoon by HubSpot Read More »
Forget all the social media hallopa for a second. Most business owners, and I’ve talked to a lot of them, want their site to rank well on Google searches. Often times they’ve spent some money building a website but their web developer (read: second cousins 17 year old stepson) isn’t experienced enough to get their
Small Business Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Read More »
Just came across a post on SEO Shark where industry heavy hitters talk about the most enduring search engine optimization (SEO) myths. Rand Fishkin from SEOMoz kicks off the list with his top three: 1. Meta Keywords are still useful (they’re definitely not). See Meta Keywords Tag 101. 2. Keyword Density is a factor in
I think blogging still has a perception problem. This is especially true in the business world. Despite all the hype surrounding corporate blogs and blogging for business, many marketing managers do not appreciate how powerful a tool blogging can be if used properly. If you’re wondering whether blogging is useful as a marketing tool then
Using Flash can really jazz up your website. In fact many of the really beautiful sites I see are made using Flash. There has always been two knocks against using too much Flash on a website. The first is that it can be a bandwidth hog. However, with the proliferation of broadband use this is
Search engine optimization (SEO), can be very daunting if you think about it too much. However, I’ve found that SEO is really not as complicated as some make it out to be. If you review the literature a bit, you’ll realize that the rules for great ranking is a fusion between great writing and effective