Product or Customer? Some Truth Here On Facebook and You
Product or Customer? Some Truth Here On Facebook and You Read More »
I enjoy social networking. However, social networking the Facebook way is not as enjoyable as it used to be. I’m more concerned about who’s seeing my updates and as a result carefully watch what I say. As a result I post less frequently and when I do post I’m very selective about what I post. For me
“Me too”. That pretty much summarizes Google Buzz. It’s obvious they’re trying to take away market share from Twitter and Facebook and quite frankly its not going to work. Most tech types flock to anything Google does thinking the company has some special power. It’s almost a religious experience for techies. If you look closely
Noticed some changes this morning on Twitter. You won’t see it though if you’re using any of the third party twitter update tools, so head on over to the homepage. Some of the major ones I noticed: 1. The tabs which were previously at the top have now been moved to the side. 2.
The last few weeks there has been some major revisions to the Facebook interface. Until very recently you could switch back to the “old” view, but now that has been taken away. So, users are left with the new version. And some don’t like it. I browsed through some of the entries at “iF YOU
I can’t remember how I found out about Seesmic, but it was a few months ago when I started checking it out. It’s not like I needed another social media site to be a part of to suck more of my time, but the idea of video updates – instead of text updates such as
After joining a social network, the question becomes “now what?” This is especially the case if you’re not very familiar with the network and do not have the time to engage in those networks. LinkedIn was one of the first social networks I joined and my initial reaction was exactly that. Now what. The problem
MySpace seems to be gearing up to go head to head against Yahoo! and Google. According to a report in AdWeek they are in the final stages of re-designing the layout to make it more of a portal setup. This is of course different from their current page – which is more of a mish-mash